Nuntius: A newspaper delivery tricycle


Relevant Keywords:

Newspapers, delivery, product development, technical development

Design Goal:

As part of a design exercise at the TU Delft I was asked to design a human powered vehicle with the main purpose of transporting goods. I decided to develop a newspaper delivery trike.

Project duration:

150 hours

Methods Used:

  • Collage making
  • Morphological charts
  • Technical detailing
  • 3D modeling

Morphological chart used during the idea generation process

Morphological chart used


The project started with a quick analysis of the functions required for the product, the target group (paperboys), ergonomic aspects, the context in which the product would be used and the stakeholders involved in the product’s development and usage.

A morphological chart (pictured on the right) was created to help in the process of generating ideas and was actively used during the sketching phase of the design process.

A screenshot of the Solidworks modeling interface featuring the 3D model of the trike

A screenshot of the Solidworks modeling interface featuring the 3D model of the trike

4 ideas were selected as being interesting enough to develop a bit further into more concrete concepts from which one was chosen to fully detail in terms of geometry, materials, production techniques and the use of standard parts.

A highly detailed 3D model was made using Solidworks, which included every single part needed for the production of the trike down to the screws and cables.

A presentation website was made which included the findings of the analysis phase, details about the functionality of the trike,  production techniques and reference details for every part and some high quality renders.

Description of the Final Design

Nuntius Final design

The Nuntius is a newspaper delivery trike with a unique container which takes advantage of the force of gravity to act as a dispensing system by allowing the papers to always slide downwards near the reach of the user’s hands. The trike also provides a marketing opportunity for the newspaper as the back can be used as a moving billboard for publicity.

Trike features

By clicking on the thumbnails underneath you can see an explanation of some of the product’s details.


Presentation website

Click on the image to launch the Nuntius website with full details about the analysis, functionality and production of the Nuntius

Click on the image to launch the Nuntius website with full details about the analysis, functionality and production of the Nuntius

Early sketches