Google’s Project Glass: Interesting concept with a LOOOT of work ahead of it

Google just released a video for Project Glass, one of their Google[x] projects dealing with augmented reality deployed through a set of glasses (or a similarly placed gear).

Some have been quick to pinpoint some of the technical problems faced by the project, but of course, we should take the video with a pinch of salt, as it is but a concept design to illustrate what their vision is with the whole thing.

What I really find interesting about it, is that Google is thinking of a true Augmented Reality application. Forget about the bullshit, gimmicky AR applications in which you must point something to a camera and see a 3D model being put in it’s place while you watch yourself on a screen, what we are talking about here is more akin to Layar, but then without the awkward interaction of having to see things through a small “window” (your mobile device), instead you get to see everything in your own field of view.

Of course, there are PLENTY of things to work out with this concept. The technical part of it is of course quite tricky as pointed out by Wired Magazine, but trusting a broad interpretation of Moore’s Law this should eventually be a non-issue (whether it happens in 2 years or 5… that’s a different story). But what really intrigues me is the interaction implications of such an augmented reality, from the practical point of view of constantly having floating items placed in your field of view and how you would handle your visual focus (different depths between the items and the background reality) and your mental focus (as if notifications popping up weren’t annoying enough on a mobile phone). In any case, if this project eventually comes to life, I’m very curious about the effect it will have on how we interact with our surroundings.

Will this finally be the true embodiment of the promised Augmented reality as it is meant to be?



I just found this really interesting article on FastCo Design addressing some of the problems or issues Project Glass faces. They clearly had more time to think about it than me 😉