The first ever Design Jam Asterdam

A few days back I had the pleasure of being part of the first ever Design Jam Amsterdam and it was a very enriching experience, and of course, lots of fun!

Design Jams are one-or-two-day design sessions, during which people team up to tackle engaging User Experience (UX) challenges. They aim to get designers together to learn and collaborate with each other while working on real problems.

Design Jams started in November 2010, spearheaded by Desigan Chinniah, Johanna Kollman, Joe Lanman and Franco Papeschi, with support from Mozilla Labs. Since then, Design Jams have popped up in places like Barcelona, Boston, Milan, Paris, and many other cities.

On it’s first ever iteration on Dutch ground, 28 designers showed up and together we tackled the problem of creating a service that could support cancer patients and their friends and family.

Below, you can find two videos of my team’s presentations during the day, and if you want to read a full description of the day’s activities you can head on to Johnny Holland, were they have put together a great blog post dedicated to the whole day.