JFTOT: User experience design for a family of industrial lab equipment


Relevant keywords

Laboratory instruments, User interface harmonization, GIO Award 2013, American Good Design Award 2013

Design goal

PAC commissioned VanBerlo with the task of performing a portfolio-wide harmonization of their user interfaces, based on the design and styling developed during a previous project. This harmonization was to be started with the design of JFTOT, the newest addition to their growing family of industrial lab equipment.

Specific role & contribution

  • Project planning and management, including preparation of quotes and direct communication with client
  • On-site visits and direct communication with developers
  • Initial analysis of the benefits of a UI harmonization
  • Conceptualization and wire-framing for JFTOT’s UI

The Project

Under VanBerlo’s advice, PAC understood that it would benefit from having a clear and harmonized UI design guideline as a starting point for ongoing and all future PAC product development, in terms of ease of use and a unified brand perception throughout the whole product portfolio. The first step in this harmonization effort would be the design of the UI for the Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester (JFTOT).

Harmonization analysis

A quick analysis was made of the benefits a harmonized UI guideline would bring to all PAC products. The principles identified here would be phased in with each new release of the products and updates. Later on, as more products were included, a UI guidelines document would be created to serve as a blueprint for future developments.

Product analysis

Defining the instrument’s functionality is undoubtedly part of PAC’s expertise, but VanBerlo’s experience and knowledge in the fields of UI and interaction design were a great asset in defining a harmonized way for users to access and interact with said functionality (structuring & logic). The product and use cases were therefore analysed, along with the UI proposed by PAC’s engineers, and some proposals were made based on VanBerlo’s insights.

Conceptualization & delivery

Final wireframe proposals were created for the main screens of the product and directly communicated with PAC developers. As part of the harmonization efforts, existing graphical assets from the previous project were used to maintain the same styling.