TEDx Amsterdam… in Delft!

TEDxAmsterdam in DelftNext Friday (20th of November) a conference called TEDxAmsterdam will take place in… well, in Amsterdam (duh!)

TED as some of you may know, is a very famous yearly conference held in California, which brings together top people from the worlds of Technology, Entertainment & Design. Their TEDtalks are AMAZING to say the least and I’ve featured a few here before (I promise a post in the not so far future with a collection of my very favourites). They are trully Ideas Worth Spreading as their motto goes.

So anyways… TEDx is an initiative of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience and of course, we couldn’t be left outside of the big party here in the Netherlands.

At the TEDxAmsterdam event, TEDtalks videos and live speakers will be combined to spark deep discussions and connections from the local and world communities.

Unfortunately enough, TEDxAmsterdam is an invitation only event so not everybody can attend (yours truly included), but in the true spirit of the original TED (Ideas worth spreading, right???) a live video stream will be sent to various cities in the Netherlands where people can gather to see them in high quality video (a so called simulcast)… and waddaya know??? I’ve taken it upon myself (with help from my friend Ricardo Mejia) to organize one such event in Delft, who really deserves to host one of these things, you know, being one of the top 15 universities of technology in the world.

So anyway, for those who were unfortunately not invited to attend the event in Amsterdam but who still want to be a part of the TED experience, we are very glad to invite you to a live, high quality broadcasting of the event at the Sportcafé [Sportcentrum TUDelft] (Mekelweg 8, 2628CD Delft) on Friday the 20th of November, between 9:00 and 21:00 hrs. for a whole day event full of ideas worth spreading.

Check the online program at www.tedxamsterdam.nl/program and come join us!

A simulcast from TEDx Boston

A simulcast from TEDx Boston