Developing a tool to assess emotions elicited by services – MSc. graduation presentation (Video & Pics)

So… it’s been a little over a week since I did the presentation for my Design for Interaction MSc. graduation project (Developing a tool to assess emotions elicited by services), and since I went off on a short one week vacation right after that, I didn’t have the time to post the video and some photos of the presentation during that time.

But as I promised some people, today I finally got back and had some spare time to upload everything. So above,you can take a look at the video of the presentation (takes about 45 minutes including the questions round). The file is quite big (around 500 Mb) because I couldn’t get it to be nicely compressed without loosing a lot of quality, but as long as you are behind a decent internet connection you shouldn’t have much trouble. And underneath you can see photos from the presentation itself.

On the flip side, I got a 9 for my project which allowed me to graduate “with honors” (Cum Laude!). On the down side, my damn camera malfunctioned just as this was happening, so there is no video evidence of the diploma ceremony… although here in Delft, the “ceremony” is basically your professor saying a few kind words about you and your project and handing over the diploma for you to sign.

Anyway, I hope that anyone interested in the subject finds it an interesting talk, and thanks for everyone who lent a hand during the project and those who managed to attend the presentation.

PS. I’ll try to post a digital copy of the project report as soon as possible, where more in-depth information can be found about the whole thing.


A nice summary of the project can be found here:
Emoments: Developing a tool to assess emotions elicited by services