The delivery of the future (PART VI) – An example of Vision in Product Design (ViP) being used

vip_designing_product_levelHere’s the sixth and final post of the ongoing series explaining the Vision in Product Design (ViP) process. It includes some very nice illustrations of the delivery truck we designed for the future.



Once you reach the product level once again, you use the information from all the previous phases of ViP, specially the vision which you created, and the interaction qualities you intend to have with your product, and you finally start designing the product (or service) itself.

This is probably the phase of the process which will be closest to home to designers, as here’s where you start giving shape to the cloud of ideas that have been generated so far, and you finally bring them down to creating a product that fulfills the requirements of your domain.

In our case, here’s the final result after designing the product level for the delivery truck of the future:

  • the_delivery_of_the_future_02Multiple access doors.
  • Electrical vehicles for “personal delivery”. Using a fractal system, the goods are transported in a very efficient way, by transferring the goods from bigger to smaller vehicles.
  • Intelligent organization of good within the truck, so that the goods that have to be delivered earlier are closer to the doors.
  • The time that the truck will be in this location is showed in one of its sides to inform other vehicles.
  • The truck serves the purpose of delivering goods and of collecting recyclable material from the users, such as bottles or paper.
  • the_delivery_of_the_future_03Interchangeable publicity.
  • The truck is very close to the floor for easier loading and unloading of goods.
  • Zero emmisions.
  • the_delivery_of_the_future_04
  • Detachable containers allow for the truck to be on the road longer, as it can detach empty containers and attach a full one without the truck having to stop the truck for too long at the distribution center.
  • Solar panels make the container energy-self-sufficient.


Underneath you can find a scenario of how the delivery would be performed:


Another normal weekday at Zwappa-Bari, Barist’s capital city and one of the busiest megalopolis in the world; the streets are crowded with people walking or moving about in their individual personal transportation pods. Many of them are waiting at the public tram line or heading down to the subway since privately owned vehicles are not allowed in the city centre anymore to avoid traffic congestion. Although everyone seems to be on their own, they are in fact connected with their friends through their wireless communication devices. All around one can be inspired with dynamic projections on walls and streets and interactive information displays. The city is full of animated colourful and bright broadcasting!

A very common sight next to the river passage is the lane for the distribution vehicles. These are seen bringing goods bought online to be delivered at people’s homes, but they also collect old recyclable material to take back to the distribution centre which will then have it shipped to the recycling plants. From fresh groceries to domestic appliances or electronic devices these vehicles are known for representing a key element within the modern transportation infrastructure – ‘Eco-friendly, convenient 8 safe”‘l is the delivery company’s motto.

[Baru Bali | Financial District | 10:00 am]
Mico, a stock broker working at his office, orders some special shopping online. He intends to offer a birthday present to Nina, his wife He knows it takes just a few days to deliver the package and it can be delivered anywhere he wants, so he arranges for it to be delivered directly to his house and on the date of Nina’s birthday,

[Zwappa-Bari | City Center | Birthday, 4:00pm]
With the package on its way, Mico receives a text message on his phone to confirm that the package will arrive today, and the time he can expect it to arrive_ All of this is automatically managed by the intelligent system of the delivery company which can track all delivery trucks via GPS and calculate delivery times for every client.

When the truck arrives to Mico’s neighbourhood, it parks at the closest proper lane and the driver and his companion start unloading and delivering the goods that need to be delivered throughout this specific area by using their SMDV (Small and medium delivery vehicle).

Mico’s order includes not only what he bought for Nina’s birthday. but also the groceries he ordered for the week and that new laptop he bought online. All of the items are collected by one single integrated system, and delivered at once.

As Mico’s order arrives to his doorstep, his costumer ID is quickly scanned and authenticated by the driver Mico comments to the driver about how different everything is these days.

Mico: “Years ago one had to sign documents and loose lots of time with waiting, and you had no idea when things would amve- Even more, having a delivery truck inside the city next to your doorstep was a nightmare for other cars. Not convenient at all”

Driver: “For me the best thing nowadays is the easy loading and unloading of the truck. You see, all boxes are property aligned and in an optimal organization so that all the goods that I need to deliver are placed in the proper order that I have to drop them off And with these SMDVs. I don’t need to make any physical effort any more. And since we bring all the things that need to be delivered to this area in one single trip, we avoid causing any more traffic than needed and we get nd of all that driving and stopping every two blocks.

And then with the help of satellite communication my friend, these trucks basically drive themselves! We have a system that indicates to us the correct way to follow in order to be time efficient for each delivery trip.”

Mico: “Indeed. it’s fantastic how optimal these systems have become. Is it safe to leave your truck alone there?”

Driver: “Well sure, the container is continuously monitored. It can identity the address where it stands and gives access only to the respective packages that need to be delivered here. But hey! Did you notice the advertisement on the side of the truck?!

Mico: – reading – ‘We are saving 40% energy by using this truck…’
“Ahhh, 1 didn’t know that! So why exactly is that?”

Driver: “Well, there are many ways in which we save energy. You see, the truck itself is electrical and is more energy-efficient than combustion engine trucks. On the roof of the container we have solar panels which generate the energy needed for all the electronics and lights within it. And the container itself detaches from the truck and can be attached to other containers like wagons on a train, so that when we need to move Vs of them at the same time, it can be done by e single truck. .. look! There’s
one of them going over that bridge there!

“Wow! I didn’t know it was so well thought. Well. I really need to continue with some other things now. Here’s a box with our recycling material and thanks a lot for the packages. Have a nice day!”

Driver: “Yes. I must also continue with my deliveries. It was nice talking to you sir, and enjoy the rest of your day”