PrEmo: a tool to measure emotional responses

PrEmo is a tool to measure emotional responses towards products, originally developed by Pieter Desmet at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the TU Delft. It uses animated characters to portray a certain number of emotions, which a person can use to describe in a non verbal way the kind of emotions that he feels towards a product.

I had the chance to work in a research project in the past in which I compared this tool to a more semantic tool (the Geneva Emotions Wheel) which gave us some very good insights into how this tool could be enhanced. Together with Pieter Desmet, it was decided that a follow up project was needed in order to make a newer version of the tool with the findings of the first study as a basis.

I you are interested in helping out with this study, please visit and fillin our questionnaire. Here you willbe able to see the evolution of the original tool and give us some feedback about it.

And of course, if you are interested in the results or the study in general, you can always drop me a line and I’ll be happy to give you more information.